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God Is

God is the All in All. God is named, nameless, and beyond all names.  God is form, formless and beyond all forms.  God is beyond all theories, hypotheses, theologies, and religions.  God is One.



We are one with God

This oneness is the Truth of all life. It is through knowing that we are “One with God” that we come to understand our oneness with each other and all living things.  We all emanate from the One Cause; the very Mind of God.  The perfection of God within us cannot be changed by our past, the opinions of others or our thoughts about ourselves.



Love is the more excellent way

Love is the highest choice we can make.  We must learn to love God within us and ourselves unconditionally.  We freely extend this love to our neighbor because our neighbor is ourselves. As we choose love and embody it, we recognize that every action of our brothers and sisters is either love or a call for love.



There is a great Vision and Purpose for every life

We believe that God is always seeking willing vessels to carry its unwavering message of Unconditional Love on the Earth.  To that end, we must remain receptive through prayer, meditation and visioning to the messages of God revealed in the realm of the Spirit.



We are here to serve

We are here to change our world and leave it better than we found it. We believe that service must be at the heart of every life’s purpose.  We take joy in knowing that the specific way in which service is given will look different through each individual expression of life.  This adds to the warm tapestry of uniqueness that is inherent in all life.



Daily Spiritual Practice is not an option

In order to come to a full realization of who and what we are as the very “image and likeness” of God, we must engage in a daily spiritual practice that keeps us in touch with the world beyond our five senses.



At A Place of Worship we teach:

“In Worship we Celebrate God, in Meditation we Envision God, in Prayer we Know God and in Living we Activate God”


Worship, meditation, prayer and daily living are the heart of our daily spiritual practice.

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